Learning Yoga

Students learn yoga poses in a systematic way. The family of yoga postures taught first are the standing yoga poses. The feet are taught to be close together first like in Tadasana, Mountain Pose, as this is similar to how people stand normally. After introducing narrow standing yoga poses the wide standing poses are taught. …


When we first start doing yoga we work to learn and attain yoga poses. The goal becomes putting oneself in a yoga position with correct muscular and skeletal alignment.  We learn and grasp how to do the yoga poses at different speeds. Once a yoga pose has been attained it must be maintained over time.  …

Yoga Relaxation

Yoga can help us relax. By using our limbs we can put ourselves into different positions conducive to relaxation. By cultivating a state of relaxation we can feel gratitude for having achieved such place within ourselves. Relaxation is one of the goals of yoga. We try to practice the aim of relaxation. When we become …


Yoga can help us cope. Yoga can be a coping skill while teaching us coping techniques at the same time. There are therapeutic benefits when we completely focus on the breath and body. By practicing yoga we can learn how to make peaceful contact with difficult thoughts and emotions. Yoga can help us to learn …


One way to overcome obstacles in our yoga practice with is with tenacity. We just have to keep trying until we achieve our goals. If having a yogic goal seems challenging think of different options. Perhaps, it’s to practice the same amount of time every time everyday whether that is 20 minutes of 2 hours. …


Yoga is so many things to different people. It’s a subject that can be studied and practiced. It has something for everyone. Yoga is a science and an art. There are practical reasons to do yoga. This multifaceted topic offers a multitude of benefits along with joy and a way to overcome life’s challenges. Lord …

Yogic Ways

What makes something yogic versus non-yogic? Yoga is an experience generated by yoga. So, how do we begin the yogic process of transformation? Notice your emotions, thoughts, and physical reactions to the idea of yoga. What comes up for you? What helps you put you in the frame of mind to practice yoga? Are you …

Yoga Sessions

Yoga is a way to reach your innermost layer. Whether you practice in a group class  or independently yoga can provide relief from stress. This ancient art is best practiced daily. Some people make special places in their homes and work spaces for yoga. You can even start your own group yoga class at your …


Through Iyengar yoga practice we can release our emotions and muscular tension. Iyengar yoga can give relief to those who practice. Iyengar Yoga has many different sequences that help the Iyengar Yoga  practitioner heal and relax hardened muscles.  Success in this practice requires patience and persistence. Also, knowing how much energy and effort to put …