Tag Archives: yoga class


Chose yoga practice. Make time in your life for your own Iyengar Yoga Practice. Create space in your dwelling for a place to practice Iyengar Yoga.  The Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Yoga Swami Swatmarama makes it clear that only tireless practice is the secret to sucess in yoga (I.66).  The Bhagavad Gita says Yoga is …

Yoga Essence

To experience the essence of yoga or as B.K.S. Iyengar  expressed, “sip the nectar of yoga” one must practice yoga often. There are no shortcuts on maintaining a daily yoga practice. Many newcomers to yoga begin as casual students. Some yoga participants may be sporadic yoga class goers or occasionally use yoga videos online. With …

Yoga Dress

Many people new to yoga wonder what they should wear to yoga class. Yoga clothing that is comfortable and allows freedom of movement is best. Yoga apparel should neither be too baggy nor too tight.  Yoga shirts should be tucked into yoga pants.  Yoga outfits should be made out of breathable material such as cotton. …

Yoga Classes

Have you ever been to a yoga class? Wondering what happens during group yoga classes? Most people wear yoga clothes that allow for freedom of movement. Bringing  your own yoga mat helps, but some yoga studios may provide yoga mats on site. It is important to contact the yoga teacher before coming to class and …

First Timer

Thinking about trying a yoga class for the first time?  Here are some key points to consider before you attend yoga classes. 1) Seek clearance from a health-care professional. 2) Contact yoga instructor prior to class and determine if they are the right instructor for you. 3) Take an in-person class specially for first time …

Alone Time

Yoga has become tremendously popular. There are many yoga classes available on the internet, television. Also found live at boutique studios and fitness centers. How do we select which classes to take or when to practice? Some tips include being regular and consistent in yoga practice. Better to practice  yoga 20 minutes every day  versus …