Earth Day

Today is April 22, 2024 and a day to cherish and celebrate our home Mother Home. Bring the Earth element into your practice by noticing which parts of your body contact the ground. The Earth can bring stability structure and it can also lead to inertia. In yoga practice we do many poses sitting and …

Solar Eclipse

Let the solar eclipse happening April 8th, 2024 inspire your yoga practice. In Light on Yoga Sutras by B.K.S. Iyengar there are two yoga sutras on the sun and moon. Sutra III.28 ” By samyama on the moon, the yogi will know the position and system of the stars.” and Sutra III.27 ” By samyama …

Late Fall

Late Fall is a wonderful time of year to gear up for winter using Iyengar Yoga. After all the snow could fly at any moment. The daylight is shortening and the nights are becoming longer. Plus the cold temps are driving us all indoors. Using your Iyengar Yoga Practice is a fantastic way to stay …


As we move deeper into the fall, the changing temps and daylight show their effect on the landscape. Nature is always changing, Iyengar Yoga helps us to accept these evolving natural patterns gracefully. Some folks love autumn others are mourning summer while there are those who  are eagerly awaiting snowfall. Wherever you are at with …

Yoga Month

September is yoga month according to the Department of Health and Wellness since 2008. Usually one may think of going back to school and the changing of the seasons from late summer to early fall.  It is also time to recognize your yogic activities and efforts. Make time for Iyengar yoga everyday whether it is …

Half Moon

In the Iyengar Yoga System there are two half moon poses Archa Chandrasana meaning half moon pose and Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana known as revolved half moon pose.  The moon shows two sides of a half at its different phases. Practice Half Moon pose during the first quarter moon and revolved half moon poses during the …

Hot Yoga

Iyengar Yoga practice involves yogic discipline. This hot yoga energy is often associated with the element of fire.  B.K.S. Iyengar’s translation II.43 in Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali “Self-displine (tapas) burns away impurities and kindles the sparks of divinity.” You may feel heat on the soles your feet when you practice standing yoga …

Yoga Cleanse

When we practice Iyengar Yoga we are giving our embodiment a yoga bath. This yogic cleanse helps us nourish our cells. The first niyama is called sauca meaning cleanliness and purity. In Light on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali B.K.S. Iyengar translates sutra II.41 to mean “When the body is cleansed, the mind purified and the …