Happy Yoga

Cultivating joy in Iyengar Yoga practice helps us foster a benevolent attitude needed for spiritual connection. Iyengar Yoga postures can help us achieve a more joyful yogic state especially  in Iyengar Yoga poses where the chest lifts. According to the 8 limbs of yoga santosha is a branch regarding the internal observances known as the …


Chose yoga practice. Make time in your life for your own Iyengar Yoga Practice. Create space in your dwelling for a place to practice Iyengar Yoga.  The Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Yoga Swami Swatmarama makes it clear that only tireless practice is the secret to sucess in yoga (I.66).  The Bhagavad Gita says Yoga is …

Pink Moon

Tonight there will be a full moon in the sky. Since it is April this celestial orb is known as a Pink Moon. In the ancient Indian language of  Sanskrit the word for moon is candra. In Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali B.K.S. Iyengar translates sutra III. 28  as “By samyama (integration) on …

Yoga Attendance

Attending a weekly Iyengar Yoga class lays the groundwork for developing one’s own yoga practice. It is important for first time yoga students to attend several yoga classes in order to see yogic progress. Overtime one may notice a change in emotional health, flexibility, and overall improved well being. Communicating your yoga questions to a …

Yogic Progress

Progress in Iyengar Yoga is not linear. Many long time Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYTs) frequently advocate for Iyengar Yoga students to not focus exclusively on improving one’s yoga pose. By practicing Iyengar Yoga daily we can become more in tune to purifying our yogic consciousness as opposed to making our yoga postures better. Backsliding …

Yoga Essence

To experience the essence of yoga or as B.K.S. Iyengar  expressed, “sip the nectar of yoga” one must practice yoga often. There are no shortcuts on maintaining a daily yoga practice. Many newcomers to yoga begin as casual students. Some yoga participants may be sporadic yoga class goers or occasionally use yoga videos online. With …

Yoga Relief

Regularly practicing Iyengar Yoga can help relieve suffering.  There are different reasons why we face instability and heartache during our lifetimes. Doing Iyengar Yoga helps remove the root causes of our afflictions just like one pulls weeds out of a garden. Iyengar Yoga is not limited to physical yoga postures. Reading ancient yoga texts and …

Yoga Rituals

The holiday season is upon us bringing a time of many seasonal rituals. Like the holidays, spiritual practices such as yoga are marked by their own customs and procedures. Unlike the yearly rites of passage of the holidays which bring food and gifts, the aim of yogic rituals is spiritual.  The goals of yoga are …


One way to be successful in yoga is to practice regularly.  It is better to practice yoga for 20 minutes each day then to practice yoga for hours sporadically. Over time you will see the yoga benefits and your understanding of yoga will deepen. To help stay on track attend at least one weekly yoga …

Yoga Tools

There are different techniques and strategies to help us stay on the path of yoga. Going to weekly yoga classes taught by Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYTs)  can contribute to regularity in yoga practice. Doing yoga at the same time in the same place in your home is a way to stay on track. Wearing …