As we move deeper into the fall, the changing temps and daylight show their effect on the landscape. Nature is always changing, Iyengar Yoga helps us to accept these evolving natural patterns gracefully. Some folks love autumn others are mourning summer while there are those who are eagerly awaiting snowfall. Wherever you are at with …
Tonight there will be a full moon in the sky. Since it is April this celestial orb is known as a Pink Moon. In the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit the word for moon is candra. In Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali B.K.S. Iyengar translates sutra III. 28 as “By samyama (integration) on …
Attending a weekly Iyengar Yoga class lays the groundwork for developing one’s own yoga practice. It is important for first time yoga students to attend several yoga classes in order to see yogic progress. Overtime one may notice a change in emotional health, flexibility, and overall improved well being. Communicating your yoga questions to a …
Regularly practicing Iyengar Yoga can help relieve suffering. There are different reasons why we face instability and heartache during our lifetimes. Doing Iyengar Yoga helps remove the root causes of our afflictions just like one pulls weeds out of a garden. Iyengar Yoga is not limited to physical yoga postures. Reading ancient yoga texts and …
Through Iyengar yoga practice we can release our emotions and muscular tension. Iyengar yoga can give relief to those who practice. Iyengar Yoga has many different sequences that help the Iyengar Yoga practitioner heal and relax hardened muscles. Success in this practice requires patience and persistence. Also, knowing how much energy and effort to put …