Tag Archives: B.K.S. Iyengar

Head Balance

In Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar the King of all asanas is Salamba Sirsasana known as Fully Supported Head Pose (also known informally as head balance). There are several different variations of headstand depicted in Light on Yoga.  This yoga posture requires knowledge on how to achieve correct muscular skeletal alignment in the yoga …

Solar Eclipse

Let the solar eclipse happening April 8th, 2024 inspire your yoga practice. In Light on Yoga Sutras by B.K.S. Iyengar there are two yoga sutras on the sun and moon. Sutra III.28 ” By samyama on the moon, the yogi will know the position and system of the stars.” and Sutra III.27 ” By samyama …

Yoga Cleanse

When we practice Iyengar Yoga we are giving our embodiment a yoga bath. This yogic cleanse helps us nourish our cells. The first niyama is called sauca meaning cleanliness and purity. In Light on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali B.K.S. Iyengar translates sutra II.41 to mean “When the body is cleansed, the mind purified and the …

Pink Moon

Tonight there will be a full moon in the sky. Since it is April this celestial orb is known as a Pink Moon. In the ancient Indian language of  Sanskrit the word for moon is candra. In Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali B.K.S. Iyengar translates sutra III. 28  as “By samyama (integration) on …

Yoga Essence

To experience the essence of yoga or as B.K.S. Iyengar  expressed, “sip the nectar of yoga” one must practice yoga often. There are no shortcuts on maintaining a daily yoga practice. Many newcomers to yoga begin as casual students. Some yoga participants may be sporadic yoga class goers or occasionally use yoga videos online. With …

Yoga Student

Are you a student of yoga? Many people are intrigued by yoga because of its bountiful health benefits. When I first read Light on Yoga I was attracted to reading the “Effects” section of all the yoga pose descriptions. It was not until many years later that I learned to read and re-read the method …

Corpse Pose

Corpse pose known as śavāsana in Sanskrit is typically done at the end of an āsana class. Laying down on one’s back with the limbs outstretched  is the basic architecture of the pose. We withdraw our senses from outside stimuli and retreat inward. By doing so we relax and restore our being. This state is …


How do we let go of judgements and come closer to acceptance? When can we move past self-comparison with others and reach self-understanding? Can we recall a time when we attempted a yoga pose that felt impossible? We did it and our posture did not look like the demonstration? What was the reaction? Sometimes those …