To build your own practice dedicate 20 minutes every day to yoga postures. Start with poses you feel most confident doing and observe what happens to your body and mind as you practice. A good place to start is in mountain pose. One can do this with feet together or apart. What happens when you …
When doing yoga at home select a space for your sticky mat. Have your yoga props available to you such as blocks, blankets, strap, and bolster. Commit to spending 20 minutes every day on the mat, use a timer to help keep yourself accountable to your practice. Shut off all screen devices and phone noises. …
The practice of Yoga can direct the outwardly going mind inward. The mind has a tendency to move to the future or the past. By going inward one can quiet the tendency of the mind to incessantly think about what happened or what is yet to come. By practicing the eight stages of yoga we …