Attending a weekly Iyengar Yoga class lays the groundwork for developing one’s own yoga practice. It is important for first time yoga students to attend several yoga classes in order to see yogic progress. Overtime one may notice a change in emotional health, flexibility, and overall improved well being. Communicating your yoga questions to a …
Thinking about trying a yoga class for the first time? Here are some key points to consider before you attend yoga classes. 1) Seek clearance from a health-care professional. 2) Contact yoga instructor prior to class and determine if they are the right instructor for you. 3) Take an in-person class specially for first time …
During yoga class it is normal for one to do an alternative yoga pose from what is taught. There are many different yoga poses available. If you are not sure what yoga posture to do instead of the one being taught, speak up and let the yoga instructor know you need something different. This is …