Progress in Iyengar Yoga is not linear. Many long time Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYTs) frequently advocate for Iyengar Yoga students to not focus exclusively on improving one’s yoga pose. By practicing Iyengar Yoga daily we can become more in tune to purifying our yogic consciousness as opposed to making our yoga postures better. Backsliding …
As David Bowie sang in his song “Changes…turn and face the strange” we yogis and yoginis face the the unknown. Sometimes yoga can seem peculiar and bewildering to beginners but in yoga we aim to shed light on dark places. As beings in the natural world we are constantly subjected to change. Sometimes change can …
Yoga Poses wake up dormant muscle groups. Different postures work with a wide variety of joints and muscles. This helps to bring blood flow and energy to places that do not normally receive these precious resources. In turn we give our bodies a bath each time we practice as such we become established in sauca. …