During the living years of B.K.S. Iyengar he would often say he did not call his own yoga “Iyengar Yoga”. In fact his students called his yoga “Iyengar Yoga”.During his life students from all over the world went to study with him in Pune,India. Not only did the students visit him,he traveled the world giving …
September is yoga month according to the Department of Health and Wellness since 2008. Usually one may think of going back to school and the changing of the seasons from late summer to early fall. It is also time to recognize your yogic activities and efforts. Make time for Iyengar yoga everyday whether it is …
Are you a creature of habit? Do you typically eat the same foods at home and order your particular favorite dishes at restaurants? Or do you like try a wide range of flavors and spices and willing to take risks not just in the kitchen but in other areas of your life? Becoming too attached …
Iyengar Yoga practice involves yogic discipline. This hot yoga energy is often associated with the element of fire. B.K.S. Iyengar’s translation II.43 in Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali “Self-displine (tapas) burns away impurities and kindles the sparks of divinity.” You may feel heat on the soles your feet when you practice standing yoga …
Cultivating joy in Iyengar Yoga practice helps us foster a benevolent attitude needed for spiritual connection. Iyengar Yoga postures can help us achieve a more joyful yogic state especially in Iyengar Yoga poses where the chest lifts. According to the 8 limbs of yoga santosha is a branch regarding the internal observances known as the …
Chose yoga practice. Make time in your life for your own Iyengar Yoga Practice. Create space in your dwelling for a place to practice Iyengar Yoga. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Yoga Swami Swatmarama makes it clear that only tireless practice is the secret to sucess in yoga (I.66). The Bhagavad Gita says Yoga is …
Through Iyengar yoga practice we can release our emotions and muscular tension. Iyengar yoga can give relief to those who practice. Iyengar Yoga has many different sequences that help the Iyengar Yoga practitioner heal and relax hardened muscles. Success in this practice requires patience and persistence. Also, knowing how much energy and effort to put …