Tag Archives: Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher

Head Balance

In Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar the King of all asanas is Salamba Sirsasana known as Fully Supported Head Pose (also known informally as head balance). There are several different variations of headstand depicted in Light on Yoga.  This yoga posture requires knowledge on how to achieve correct muscular skeletal alignment in the yoga …

Yoga Month

September is yoga month according to the Department of Health and Wellness since 2008. Usually one may think of going back to school and the changing of the seasons from late summer to early fall.  It is also time to recognize your yogic activities and efforts. Make time for Iyengar yoga everyday whether it is …


Chose yoga practice. Make time in your life for your own Iyengar Yoga Practice. Create space in your dwelling for a place to practice Iyengar Yoga.  The Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Yoga Swami Swatmarama makes it clear that only tireless practice is the secret to sucess in yoga (I.66).  The Bhagavad Gita says Yoga is …

Yoga Attendance

Attending a weekly Iyengar Yoga class lays the groundwork for developing one’s own yoga practice. It is important for first time yoga students to attend several yoga classes in order to see yogic progress. Overtime one may notice a change in emotional health, flexibility, and overall improved well being. Communicating your yoga questions to a …

Yoga Teacher

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYTs) undergo rigorous yoga training to in order to pass the yoga assessment. Candidates must study Iyengar yoga for several years before they can start preparing to become Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructors.  Interested students must study with a yoga mentor who guides them through the Iyengar yoga assessment process. The mentor …