Yoga Sessions

Yoga is a way to reach your innermost layer. Whether you practice in a group class  or independently yoga can provide relief from stress. This ancient art is best practiced daily. Some people make special places in their homes and work spaces for yoga. You can even start your own group yoga class at your …


Through Iyengar yoga practice we can release our emotions and muscular tension. Iyengar yoga can give relief to those who practice. Iyengar Yoga has many different sequences that help the Iyengar Yoga  practitioner heal and relax hardened muscles.  Success in this practice requires patience and persistence. Also, knowing how much energy and effort to put …

Yoga Presence

Yoga can stand the test of time. When the tough stuff happens in our life, our yoga can be a refuge for relaxation. Yoga can build up strength in our nervous system. With healthy and calm nerves we can develop tolerance and become patient with life’s upheavals. Yoga can cool us down when we are …