
When we work with our hands in yoga, the instruction to spread the skin on the palms is often given. Hands are usually addressed with the air element. We reach them up into space. Spreading the finger webbing helps us to feel our hands become aware of the skin on the palms. We learn where …

First Poses

The first poses beginners typically learn in Iyengar Yoga are Tadasana (mountain pose) and Vrksasana (tree pose).  We achieve steadiness and firmness in Tadasana and we want to keep that stability in Vrksasana. Due to being a one legged standing pose Vrksasana offers a balance challenge. Both poses are narrow standing poses and often taught …


Happy New Year. It is  the start of 2022 and what does that mean? For some it’s a chance to start something new or reinvigorate an existing routine. Yoga is a powerful tool that can help us access our deepest parts. Thinking of starting yoga or going back to class? Why not? Success in yoga …