Do not believe everything you think. It’s easy to be seduced by thoughts that cloud our judgement especially in times of sorrow and distress. We can also be swayed when our emotions are jovial. Sometimes it can be hard to let go of negative comments from others. Practicing yoga helps us to de-clutter our thoughts …
The mind will not quiet itself down. We must act to still the fluctuations of consciousness. One way to achieve this goal is through the practice of yoga. This sacred method gives us the tools to bring the mind to silence. We also must be aware of our mind’s activities and patterns. By practicing yoga …
When you breathe ,do you notice if breath is moving through the mouth or the nostrils? Does one nostril take in more air than the other nostril? While practicing yoga the breath may be smooth and soft. During a challenging pose the breath could be fast and labored. By opening and uplifting our torso while …
Practicing Yoga poses can be a way to release stiffness in muscles and joints. For a muscle group to extend one or more muscles must contract. For instance, when we draw our knee caps upward, the quadriceps are engaged. When the frontal thigh contracts the back of thigh can release. In the picture below the …