Revolved Moon

Today is May 3, 2021 and the moon’s phase is in the third quarter. The honor this celestial placement, today’s post is on revolved half moon pose, Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana is the sanskrit name. Parivrtta  means revolved, Ardha means half, Chandra is moon, and asana translates to posture. This is a one legged standing pose …


The sacred syllable aum  can be chanted at anytime by anyone. It can even be chanted silently. During yoga class the class usually begins with chanting aum . Doing so helps to bring peace and serenity of mind.  One can also chant aum while doing a yoga pose either vocally or silently. Chanting aum repeatedly …


Let the blooming spring flowers inspire you to open up in your yoga poses. Let this message act a seed to plant the act of practicing yoga in your mind. One pose named after a flower is Padmasana (sanskrit term) in english means lotus pose. Shown here is a cartoon of Lord Shiva in padmasana with …


The best way to start practice is to just move. Stand up, sit down, or lay flat. Whether you are holding or flowing the poses, the main goal is to do the pose. Yoga is experiential. While it is possible to read texts, watch movies, or listen to pod casts about yoga, at the end …

Yoga Class

When one attends a yoga class the teacher will give instructions on how to come in and out of the poses. The students will receive verbal explanations on what body parts to move and activate in order to do pose with correct muscular skeletal  alignment. Being visible to the instructor is important for appropriate feedback …


One of the niyamas or “internal observances” that constitute the second limb of yoga is santosa a sanskrit word for happiness and contentment. Being optimistic and cheerful is key to success in yoga. If one feels dour or negative while doing a yoga pose, then coming out of the posture is recommended. By practicing yoga …


Since today is the full moon, let’s consider how the moon has been regarded  in yoga philosophy. In sanskrit the word for moon is candre. According the BKS Iyengar the moon represents  consciousness.  The waning and waxing of the lunar cycle are like the fluctuations of the mind.  The moon is a cool orb and …