
Yoga uses the elements of earth, water, air, fire, and ether. When our body is in contact with earth it is said to have the earth element. As our bodies loosen up through practice and more fluidity comes, this phenomenon is mentioned to as if one has the water element present. Fire can be present …

Staff Pose

Daṇḍāsana known as staff pose in english is a basic seated posture. The legs are to be “poker stiff” according to B.K.S. Iyengar. Key fundamental actions needed for many yoga poses are introduced in this posture. Props are often used in ways to give height under the buttocks. One can bring the back to the …


Summer has finally arrived. You can use the heat to your advantage in your practice. With warmer weather muscles can become more pliable and challenging poses can become more accessible. The outdoors can become a  more inviting place to draw inspiration for invigorating practices.


In Iyengar Yoga we use props such as sticky mats, blocks, straps, blankets, bolsters, chairs, walls, ropes, and sand bags to name a few.  When students begin taking yoga classes, they will likely use a sticky mat, blocks, straps, and blankets.  These items are used to promote stability, ease, and achieve alignment in poses. To …


Take your chest upwards, bring your gaze up, and take your arms high to the sky. These actions can make you feel lighter and happier. Practicing contentment is known as santosha in sanskrit. Facilitating a benevolent consciousness is needed for the yogic journey.  We can practice yoga poses to generate positivity.  How we act socially …

Wake Up

Yoga Poses wake up dormant muscle groups. Different postures  work with a wide variety of joints and muscles. This helps to bring blood flow and energy to places that do not normally receive these precious resources. In turn we give our bodies a bath each time we practice as such we become established in sauca. …


According to B.K.S. Iyengar, ” Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.” What can we change? What do we need to accept and face in order to transform? In yoga practice, if one is struggling with pose  there are ways to address this situation. Sometimes coming …