Study Iyengar Yoga, not just in your books but in your Iyengar Yoga Practice. Quiet the mind so you can receive feedback from your body. Next time you attend yoga class with a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher notice how you feel at the at the beginning compared to the conclusion of the yoga session. Svadyaya means the study of the Self, scriptures, and the repetition of reciting mantras. In B.K.S. Iyengar’s Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali commentary on Sutra II.44 – Self study leads towards the realization of God or communion with one’s desired deity. He describes svadyaya, “Study of the Self has two paths. One is for communicating from the skin, through the inner sheaths towards the seer, the other from the seer to the outer layer of his abode.”